What Works For Me

How I Organize all the Papers that Come Home!

Here they come! All the papers that get dumped on the counter after school, or my favorite, right during the middle of breakfast! Then they end up in a pile in my office until I can decide what to do with them! Here’s a quick run through of what I do to eliminate paper piles.

#1: Go through each piece of paper.

Yep, every one. Then I sort into 3 categories.

If I don’t have time rightwhen the kids hand them over, I put them in one of these bins in my office. This is my “In Box.” Everything that needs looked at goes in here to be sorted through later. This will include all the kids papers from their backpacks, mail, flyers, ect. I will do another WWFMW on that process. For now, lets focus on the school papers.

First, I look at every paper.


For Me

To File

#2: Trash what is trash!

I’m not going to lie, most of the papers that come home go in the trash. Math paper’s, all the extra stuff that gets sent, you name it. If it is something we’ve been working on I will talk to my child about it, acknowledge their hard work, then throw it away. Austin is EXTREMELY sentimental and wants to keep everything so I have to do it in secret.

#3: File what is for me to keep.

If I am keeping the papers for me, (ones that I will need to refer to again sometime in the near future) I file them in a binder that has a folder for every person in the family. These folders have the kids school schedules, temple recommends, copies of their physicals for sports, ect. All those important papers that somehow end up getting misplaced or lost! Nothing drives me more crazy than spending time looking for an important paper. This has been a great way to save time!

#4: File the “Warm Fuzzies”.

I file the papers that have hand prints, writing, and personal stuff documentation or information that will be fun to look at in the future. I heard someone say if they looked at it and got all warm inside, they keep it. These “warm fuzzy” papers, report cards, newspaper clippings, about me papers, ect. These go in my filing cabinet. Each child has their own file for the school year, August to August. If it happened in the summer, it goes in the same file.

At the beginning of each new school year I will move the files from the filings cabinet to a bankers box. Each child has their own bankers box with their name on it. This “should” hold every school year from Pre-School until Senior years “keepers.” (I just moved everyone’s files and can see I need to downsize what I have kept for Austin. Ha Ha!) It is so fun to look back at years past and see those cute little faces, chicken scratch, and progress the kids have made! (See that cute little Austin!!!)

Now, the beginning of the school year has a clean, fresh file to keep those “warm fuzzy” papers!

This system has eliminated the piles of papers that I don’t know what to do with! I am not perfect at it, but it has helped me find a “place” for every page.

As my kids have grown and we are constantly in a state of change, this system has seemed to be the best solution for my needs! Hopefully this helps you find what will work for you!

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